International Conference on Renewable Energies and Power Quality (ICREPQ)
International Conference on Sea and Atmosphere
International Conference on Translating Electronic Literature
International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST)
International Conference on Wireless Networks
International Conference Toxic Marine Phytop
International Congress of Medieval Studies
International Congress of Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, Michigan
International Congress of Medieval Studies, Leeds, UK
International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women film cycle, Cinematheque Film Series, Department of English, Mayaguez PR.
International Diffuse Reflectance Conference
International Electronics Manufacturing Technology (IEMT) Symposium
International Foundation for Process Analytical Chemistry (IFPAC)
International Foundation for Process analytical Chemistry (IFPAC), North Bethesda, MD
International Foundation for Process analytical Chemistry (IFPAC), North Bethesda, MD
International Geographic Union Conference
International Geosphere Biosphere Programme (IGBP) Conference
International Latin American and Caribbean Conference for Engineering and Technology
International Marine Conservation Congress
International Medievalism and Popular Culture: A Symposium at the University of Western Australia
International Nannoplankton Association Meeting
International Plant Breeding Symposium
International Queen Conch Conference. San Juan, PR
International Queen Conch Stock Assessment Workshop. Belize City, Belize
International Queen Conch Working Group. San Jose, Costa Rica
International Scientific Conference ECI-PERU
International Scientific Meeting
International Scientific Meeting, ECI-Peru
International Society for Language Studies (ISLS). San Juan, Puerto Rico
International Society for Language Studies, Biennial Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico